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New Hartford 's Centennial Anniversary 1888

The Grand Celebration of the New Hartford 's Centennial Anniversary—the Military Parade and Drills—Exercises in the Park—Addresses by Lieutenant Governor Jones, Hon. C. D. Prescott, Professor Oren Root and others - A Royal Banquet—Interesting Historical Papers and Letters—Grand Display of Fire-works in the Evening—The Town Filled With People and Alive with Enthusiasm—The Celebration a Success in Every Way.


New Hartford had a perfect day for the celebration, and everything passed off in a highly pleasing manner. The village was awakened at an early hour, the guns fired at sunrise arousing the inhabitants and ushering in the anniversary day. The business houses were resplendent with the national colors, and the private residences and grounds were profusely decorated with flags and bunting. The old Eames house and the public-school building (the former residence of Judge Sanger) also were very tastefully adorned.


The Belt Line company had all it could do to transport the crowds to and from New Hartford during the day and evening, but all available cars were pressed into service. 


The exercises of the day began in the village park at 8:30 A. M., a large concourse of people being present. The procession was formed on Genesee street shortly after 10 o'clock. Among those in carriages were Hon. James Armstrong, President of the Village, Morgan Butler, President of the day, and General R. U. Sherman.


The dress parade was complimented by Major Everts, commanding the battalion who said that the line was very steady. The companies formed on the west side of Genesee street.


Crowds poured into the village from neighboring towns by the local railroad trains, by the street cars, and by vehicles of all kinds upon every road leading into New Hartford, until it was estimated that the number of strangers in town was from 5,000 to 8,000.

​New Hartford Historical Society, 2 Paris Road, ​New Hartford, NY 13413
Phone: 315.724.7258
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