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Davies Store

In 1884 Lewis Davies ran a variety store on Oneida Street in Washington Mills. At that time, the upstairs was used as a meeting space for the Masonic Lodge until 1918.


In the early 1900's, the building was remodeled and was run by James T. Da­vies. Later still A.S. Champ had a variety store there from 1921 to 1943 and the Washington Mills Post Office operated in a corner of the store. Stanley Champ's wife, Blanche, was the postmistress. During that time, in the 1930s and '40s, the second floor was used for dances, card parties, and general community functions.


During the 50's and 60's it was a grocery store, the Suburban Market, run by the Mitchell brothers. A fire forced the closing of that store. Since then many small business operations have come and gone.


The former Davies variety store still stands today on Oneida Street in Washington Mills, south of the Chapman Road intersection.

Photos:  Top circa 1884.  Bottom circa early 1900s.

​New Hartford Historical Society, 2 Paris Road, ​New Hartford, NY 13413
Phone: 315.724.7258
All rights reserved.
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